Steps We Take to Investigate and Search for Missing Property

 For investigative services to occur, you must register your tag and associated property through our Activate Tag process in advance of a reported loss.

  1. Search and Return (SAR) investigator will make contact with the victim.
  2. If Law Enforcement is investigating, we will notify them that we are working on victim’s behalf. We will attempt to identify and speak to the investigator. Also, we will attempt to determine what evidence they have, ensuring we do not obstruct in their investigation.
  3. Depending on what is missing, we will provide tips to the victim on post theft identify protection, credit cards and other account cancellation, sim card deactivation, credit bureau and bank notification, etc.
  4. We will determine if the point of loss location (or area), has a lost and found program, or contact. We will reach out to that contact person.
  5. We will determine, or possibly suggest that the victim consider additional action… eg: hasty search, revisit scene, posters, cancel other accounts, etc.
  6. If smart phone or tablet is missing, we will work with victim on the activation status, and interpretation of geo based information provided by Find My Phone, or any other tracking software/device.
  7. If smart phone, tablet, or laptop, we will provide options and suggestions (case by case consideration) regarding the activation of device messaging, device lock, and data wipe.
  8. If laptop, we will determine if victim was using any MDM (mobile device management) software, or other installed software that may allow tracking, messaging, or additional evidence.
  9. We will work with victim and authorities on confirming a serial number, and if it has, or can be entered onto a local, state, or national police stolen database – e.g. NCIC or CPIC.
  10. We will examine the loss location for known history of targeted or high crime area, etc.
  11. We will attempt to determine M.O (modus operandi) and further unique factors to assist in the search. (In attempts to identify actionable evidence).
  12. We will determine best path of investigation depending on whether event was an accidental loss, theft by crime of opportunity, targeted theft, etc., and take further investigative action.
  13. We will attempt to identify and remotely speak to any key witnesses.
  14. We will investigate and determine if there is access to any surveillance video. We will attempt to have the video reviewed for any possible evidence.
  15. We will attempt to determine if there are any other recent thefts/loss, or similar MO’s. We will advise law enforcement of any similarities/linkages with uncover.
  16. We will attempt to conduct a remote proximity search for helpful organizations/groups that might assist in search and recovery.
  17. We will attempt to reach out remotely and conduct a pawnshop/second hand dealer search of their database.
  18. We will search on line services, e.g.: Lost & Found postings, Craigslist, Kijiji, and Used sale sites.
  19. We will post your loss on our search engine optimized, internet based, Lost and Found postings page.
  20. We will explore the possibility of electronically posting the loss on other local websites, forums, social media, online-newspapers, etc.
  21. We will explore with the victim the possibility of an additional reward incentive that could be offered by the owner. We will explore whether any reward incentive should be further advertised?

*Investigative steps are case by case dependent.

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